John and Myrna Hershenberg answered God's call to full-time ministry in 2016, and together with its board members, formed Community People Ministries. This organization's mission would be to show all people, especially the marginalized, less-fortunate people of this world that God loves them. Moving from Texas to Hawaii, they trusted in God completely, and He delivered, connecting them with the right people so the Hershenbergs could be part of what God was already doing in Hawaii. With the support of the Hawaii Foodbank, various pastors, and volunteers throughout Oahu, they are meeting both physical and spiritual needs of several communities. Community People Ministries currently provides food for nearly 2,000 per month and continues to grow with each new church partnership. God is good and He is faithful!
““Christianity isn’t about obeying rules; it’s about letting Christ rule.”
Andrew Farley”